习主席新西兰国宴用酒|Kumeu River Hunting Hill Chardonnay 2012--中秋大特惠!快来抢吧! 发布时间:2015-08-22 03:47:32    信息来源:广西南宁汇樽商贸有限公司    浏览次数:6231


国家主席习近平2014年11月20日对新西兰进行了国事访问,并在惠灵顿总督府会见新西兰总督迈特帕里。同日在惠灵顿出席率新西兰总理约翰·基为其举办的国宴。新西兰国宴指定用白葡萄酒就是来自Kumeu River(库妙河酒庄)---Kumeu River Hunting Hill Chardonnay 2012(库妙河狩猎山霞多丽白葡萄酒2012)


Kumeu River Hunting Hill Chardonnay 2012



  • Region:West Auckland, New Zealand

  • 产区:西奥克兰,新西兰

  • Grapes 葡萄品种: Chardonnay, 霞多丽

  • Alcohol 酒精度: 13.5%

  • 品酒辞:this wine gives powerful lime/lemon aromas with some grapefruit zest and orange blossom plus a whiff of chalk. Very crisp, intense and silky, this is a more restrained, tight-knit expression leaving a very long mineral and citrus zest finish.

    Tasting Note:此款葡萄酒散发着浓郁的青柠檬的香气,带着些许葡萄果的香味,和一些橘子花的味道。口感非常清脆,紧实,丝滑。酒体更为内敛,强劲,带有矿物质和柑橘果味的悠长回味。是一款酒窖珍藏级葡萄酒。

  • Food Suggestion:Chicken, grilled vegetables, cod, salmon, chicken curry, soft cheeses, oysters, lobster


  • Robert Parker: "Kumeu River and (winemaker) Michael Brajkovich MW have both become synonymous with New Zealand’s finest Chardonnay. For over two decades they have fashioned Burgundy-inspired wines with their Mate’s Vineyard Chardonnay winning accolades far and wide."

  • 罗伯特帕克:“库妙河与(酿酒师)Michael Brajkovich酿酒大师共享新西兰最精品霞多丽之名,二十几年来, Mate’s Vineyard Chardonnay如勃艮第美酒一般广泛深远地得到赞誉。”

  • Steven Spurrier, Decanter Magazine: “Mike Brajkovich MW produces a single vineyard wine from his estate outside Auckland that is in my view New Zealand’s finest Chardonnay. Floral tones over superb oak and beautifully structured fruit, this is a great wine in the Burgundian tradition for keeping at least five years.”

  • 史蒂夫史普瑞尔,《品醇客》 杂志:“Mike Brajkovich品酒大师在他的庄园开发了一片奥克兰外的单一园,在我看来是新西兰最好的霞多丽。花朵的芬芳盖过橡木香气,架构完美的水果香氛,这是一款勃艮第传统风格的美酒,可以陈酿至少五年。”

  • Harvey Steiman, Wine Spectator Magazine: “Few Chardonnays in the world so consistently hit the mark for quality and style as New Zealand’s luxurious standard bearer”.

  • 哈维斯戴曼,《葡萄酒观察家》杂志:“世界上罕有霞多丽在质量和风格上可以媲美新西兰。”

  • Michael Cooper, Classic Wines of New Zealand: “It would be hard to exaggerate the importance of this famous wine. Kumeu River Chardonnay played a vital role in the renaissance of winemaking in the Auckland region. Kumeu River is one of New Zealand’s great Chardonnays, with a rock solid, prestigious reputation. A distinctive wine with notable power and concentration, it is typically lush, harmonious, and creamy smooth – a sheer delight to drink”.

  • 迈克尔·库帕,新西兰经典葡萄酒:“很难夸大这款名酒的重要性,库妙河霞多丽在奥克兰酿酒复兴时期扮演了很重要的角色。库妙河声名显赫,出产新西兰最经典的霞多丽之一。这是一款有着高贵的凝聚力,架构和谐,有着丝滑的奶油质感,是一款充盈纯粹喜悦的美酒。



